Policy Principles
Expand and Establish Consistent Low-Income Assistance Programs
- Water is a basic human need, and Cal Water continually looks for ways to manage costs while maintaining the reliability of our systems.
- Cal Water has a history of supporting programs to assist our low-income customers.
- We were one of the first water suppliers in California to support the Safe Affordable Drinking Water Act, which created a fund that will help ensure every Californian – including those in disadvantaged communities – has access to safe drinking water.
- We provide flexible, no-interest, penalty-free payment plans.
- We offer a stockholder-funded hardship grant program to protect access to water.
- We do not charge late fees.
- We also manage a Rate Support Fund that subsidizes the monthly bills for all customers in our highest- cost districts which have fewer customers available to share the costs of operation, maintenance, and upgrades.
- As part of our Smart Landscape Tune-Up Program, we fix most leaky and broken sprinkler systems for customers at no charge. This helps customers conserve water and save money.
- Finally, Cal Water was one of the first water suppliers to implement a Customer Assistance Program for qualified low-income customers. Enrolled customers receive a discount on their monthly water bill to help ensure water service remains affordable for everyone.
- It is time for California and the federal government to implement permanent water rate assistance programs to help those who are the most vulnerable.

Cal Water encourages the Legislature to implement a permanent program that assists low-income customers, or those otherwise in need, pay their monthly water bills. Given their relative success, the program should be modeled on the Customer Assistance Program implemented by CPUC-regulated water utilities and the CARE program implemented by CPUC-regulated energy utilities.