Posted February 21, 2024

Construction workers in ChicoCal Water has begun work on a water infrastructure upgrade that will improve water supply reliability and fire protection in northwest Chico. The project, which will include installation of about 3,500 feet of new 8-inch and 6-inch water main and four new fire hydrants, is expected to be completed by late April.

“Infrastructure improvements like this ensure Cal Water maintains a reliable water supply for both everyday and emergency needs, while also preventing water loss from aging pipes,” said Evan Markey, Cal Water Chico District Manager.

Installation will take place over the next six to eight weeks at:

The majority of the work will be performed Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.; however, some work may be performed at night or during the weekends to help alleviate traffic issues. Temporary asphalt will be applied until permanent paving is completed, which can be up to 30 days after project completion.
