Urge Governor Newsom to Sign SB 1469
A Powerful Tool to Encourage Consumer Water Conservation
As climate change intensifies California’s drought conditions, it is critical we support a wide range of policies to encourage water conservation for customers and water providers. SB 1469 would add a powerful tool that helps water providers encourage customers save water and fight the drought by:
- making permanent a proven program that has encouraged California water customers to reduce their water use
- helping water providers improve their conservation efforts, and
- helping keep water bills low for all customers, and particularly low-income customers.
SB 1469 is supported by labor, business, consumer and environmental groups, low-income advocates, local governments, and was passed by the California Legislature. The bill now sits on Governor Newsom’s desk awaiting his signature.
Email Governor Newsom today and urge him to help Californians conserve water during this critical time!