Policy Principles
Enable All California Water Providers and Their Customers to be Eligible for State and Federal Infrastructure Funding
- Water infrastructure grant and loan programs are important tools that can help water suppliers make critical improvements to their systems that allow them to provide safe, clean drinking water, while helping to keep water affordable.
- All Californians pay taxes that help fund state and federal water infrastructure grant and loan programs, regardless of who their water supplier happens to be.
- Eligibility criteria for water infrastructure grant and loan programs that discriminate against customers of CPUC-regulated water utilities by preventing those suppliers from applying for funds does nothing but make it more difficult to ensure everyone has access to safe, clean, and affordable drinking water.

Cal Water recommends that, when crafting eligibility criteria for grant and loan programs, the state ensure that all Californians remain eligible to benefit from these important programs by making all public utilities eligible for funding. California should not be in the business of needlessly discriminating against the customers of CPUC-regulated water suppliers.